This sculpture was made using ceramic and acrylic and is titled 'Undecided' by Beverly Mayeri. I was particularly drawn to this sculpture because it did a very good job at portraying an emotion. The artist utilized emphasis a lot in this piece. There is a huge emphasis drawn to the eyes of this sculpture. The strongest thing about this piece how amazing and realistic it was sculpted which is evident when you can see how beautiful the highlights and shadows are on her face. I would say the least effective thing would be the color of this sculpture, I think it would have been a little bit stronger if she had used more contrast.

This piece was created using sand cast glass and steel and is titled 'vector' by Jeremy Popelka. I was really drawn to this sculpture due to how beautiful it was in the natural light. I have never really seen a glass sculpture like this one and was really intrigued by how it was created. This sculpture utalizes the use of symmetry very well. The strongest thing about this piece is how beautiful the coloring is on it. This photograph doesn't really do it's beauty justice. I would say one of the least strongest things about this piece would be the size. I would have loved to see this on a bigger scale.

This piece was created using acrylic on canvas and is titled 'Navigation' by Jason Rohlf. This was one of my favorite pieces that I had looked at all day due to how strong it was from a design stand point. It kind of reminded me of the look you get through 'glitch art'. It also does a great job using balance, you can tell that each portion of this piece was very well planned out for optimal design. The strongest thing about this piece would be its use of lines, it is so well designed that I would love to see this pattern on clothes! The least effective thing about this piece would be it's size, I think it would be a lot more impressive if it were on a bigger scale.

When I was walking back from lunch I was drawn to this barb wired fence. It was on the boarder line of the area that was very run down and shady and I felt that this fence almost acted as a divider from the 'good and bad'. It really got me thinking about safety because you usually don't see barbed wire anymore. I chose this picture of one of my three because I really loved how well the feeling that I felt in that place was portrayed through the photograph. This picture reminds me of the idea of freedom and how at our age all we want to do is escape and grow up.

As I was walking past an old building I decided to peer into the window which showcased a huge, empty warehouse. This photograph was actually shot through the dirty glass window but truthfully I think that it really adds to the effect. I love how solitude this photograph feels. This is such an unique space because it was hidden away and you would have no idea that this was the inside of the building looking from the outside. Also, I am always drawn to abandoned places and the lighting in this space was extremely beautiful. This place reminded me of the idea of death, my dad owns a warehouse for his wood working business and this space reminded me of his but only worn down and empty which is what his currently life filled warehouse will become in the future.

As I was talking a walk along the river, I was drawn to all of the beautiful sight lines and archetechure on the strip. Everything seemed so still and perfect walking down this path and noticed how beautiful the reflections were in the puddles. All of the buildings down there are beautiful and most are fairly old. I decided to take some shots through the puddles and they ended up being some of my favorite shots I took all day. This is such a unique point of view because it portrays looking back into the past of Milwaukee and just how beautiful the city actually is. Not only that but I have never seen puddles that were as clear as these were. The overall feel of these pictures remind me of the idea of looking back into the past on something that you miss.