Thursday, July 24, 2014


Here is a random post for you guys. To start off, I hated sketching last year. I hated everything to do with it because I felt that I was terrible at it! To be honest, when I found out we had to sketch for AP I was not looking forward to it. Fast forward halfway into summer and here I am buying my own supplies and having to make my mom pull my away from sketching because I spend so much time on it. I have learned so much about my own style and how I like to work. I have also really learned how to sketch and have improved so much! Not only that but I am using cool things like different kinds of erasers (kneaded, gum and vinyl). Besides that I got my Caran D'Ache crayons which I am completely siked about using. So yeah, sorry for the scatterbrained post but I was just excited about my new supplies I got. :) 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Design Choices

This is a sketch I did a while ago but I have decided that I wanted to post the meaning behind it. When I did this sketch, I was planning on finishing the face and all of that. For the past couple of weeks I have contemplated going back to add on or not. Usually I would have said yes because the face should be completed but oddly I chose not to. I feel myself growing as an artist each day especially by the fact that I am making these odd design choices for my own work. I had decided that in this case, simplicity was beautiful. Not only that, but sketching facial features is becoming more and more easy to me each day which feels AWESOME! :)