Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Website

I did not know that there was a website for all of the scholastic art awards! It was super fun to look at all of the winning works of art but I especially narrowed in on the photography section because that is what I'm really interested in. Truthfully, every single one of the photographs were AMAZING and they all had inspired me to take something that ends up in there this year. I had no idea that there was a writing award either! Considering that I am super into writing as well, that is something I will definitely be looking into. Overall, just looking and seeing that all of these pieces were done by students my age really inspired me to do super good work this year and really get something to win an award.

This piece is titled "Bed Bugs" by Alana Southwood from Fort Wayne, IN. I find this piece really inspiring to me for some reason. When I look at it, it really reminds me of the ending of a relationship with someone or being deceived by a loved one. The fact of the matter is that this picture really made me feel something and that is why I chose to share it. I hope that I can make something that can make others feel something this year.

This piece is titled "Blowing Bubbles" by Derek Oliwa from Rockville, MD. I have always had a passion for black and white photography and this one really stood out to me. While a little kid blowing bubbles is typically something that should be happy and bright, this photograph really evokes the mood that it is something very dreary and unhappy. I really like that about this piece because it is not typical and the irony of it is super interesting. 

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